Vlog – State of the Channel – October 2017 – A week old but only going up now due to NEW JOB! Sorry for the Week long radio silence kinda had to figure myself out and get into the mindset of the weekly work life, if you are oe of the few awesome lunatics who join me on stream you know about this already because All this work and effort wasn’t really leading to anything…I can already see the View counts dropping so i assume i was truely just screaming into the internet void the few of you awesome peopel who came, watched enjoyed I thank you from the bottom of my heard and hope you guys stick aorudn becasue it all doesnt stop here. Oh no, Not by a long shot but time is muuuuuch more limited so gotta figure out how im gonna balance it all. The beta Chasing, launch and release reporting, the news gathering…Its all kinda gotta stop because i gotta earn to live like everyone and if im going to earn i gotta be AFK a fair bit. this isnt like the freelance stuff i was doing to keep my head above water its Minimum wage 12 hour days the bog standard but its going to keep a roof over my head.
If you ever felt like you wanted to help me make this an actual fulltime thing this is really the time to do it so here it goes.
You Can Catch me LIVE! on Twitch/Youtube/Mixer/Beam/MobCrush and many other places simply by Googling ‘PasticheofSkin’ Don’t be a stranger.
With the advent of the #adpocalypse i need your help more than ever if you enjoyed these videos then please, please consider sharing your suport for small creators on youtube dropkick the Subscribe button browse my back catelog of videos. and consider looking at the links below to help me make more stuff
Thank you
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