First 15 – Riptide GP 2 – WaveRace for New Generation? Nah, But still fun

Posted by on January 16, 2017

Riptide GP2 BOunces and Waverides its way onto my screen today in our First 15 minutes review. Gotta say i loved Wave Race back in the N64 era, theres hasnt really been a successor maybe except for Hydro Thunder on the Dreamcast? so im ready for some Wave riding fun. Whats it like? Related

Riptide GP2 BOunces and Waverides its way onto my screen today in our First 15 minutes review. Gotta say i loved Wave Race back in the N64 era, theres hasnt really been a successor maybe except for Hydro Thunder on the Dreamcast? so im ready for some Wave riding fun. Whats it like?

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